Cancellation And Refund Policy
Cancellation Policy:
Orders once placed cannot be cancelled since we follow an on-demand procurement model and the products are perishable in nature.
Returns / Replacement Policy:
We do not accept returns, however, we will replace the products under the following circumstances:
- Damaged products received by the customer
- Bad or rotten products delivered to the customer
Note: Customer has to intimate the company through an e-mail or WhatsApp within 24 hours of the delivery of the product. If the intimation to the company is not done within the specified timeline, then the company is not liable for any returns or refund or replacement of the products.
Refund Policy:
- In the event, there is a shortage in the quantity delivered against the quantity ordered, we shall credit the differential amount in your wallet within 2 working days from the order date, the same can be used against the future purchases at our online portal.
- In the event, we are not able to provide you the replacement for the reasons like shortage of supply, lack of logistics support, etc., we shall refund the money paid by you in the form of wallet credit within 5 business working days from the order date. The amount credited can be used for future purchases at our online portal.